There are several avenues for legal immigration into the U.S., including immigration for immediate families and family-preferred members, employment immigration, and immigration as a refugee or asylee.
The Law Office of Franklin Montero believes that a well thought-out and well-enforced immigration policy plays an important role in helping maintain quality of life in America.
As a staunch advocate of comprehensive immigration reform, important developments are taking place in Washington, D.C. The Senate passed comprehensive immigration legislation, which I support. It’s a bipartisan bill that provides a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living and working in the U.S. It secures our borders and allows highly-skilled workers educated in the U.S. to remain, innovate here, and contribute to our economy.
Comprehensive immigration reform makes economic sense. In addition to it being the right thing to do, it legalizes our undocumented immigrant population, will put all workers on a level playing field, and exerts upward pressure on the wages of both American and immigrant workers. It also brings more workers into our tax system, which increases government revenues, grows our economy, and benefits a range of industries.
The Senate’s vote is an important first step. Plus, the House of Representatives must be allowed to vote on immigration legislation so that comprehensive immigration reform can become a reality. If passed, it will finally reflect the needs of a 21st century economy and workforce. Fixing our broken immigration system will strengthen the American economy and our communities.