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Easing Venezuelan immigrants into U.S. culture and society

| Oct 1, 2021 | Immigration |

Coming to the United States from another country such as Venezuela and settling in New York, New Jersey or Pennsylvania doesn’t mean you are instantly part of American culture or social life. 

In fact, it’s a huge transition to undertake for even the most adventurous person. There are enormous differences in language, customs, our public school system and all the ordinary, sometimes hard-to-grasp nuances of daily life here in general.

For generations, people have eagerly headed to America from scores of countries to seek a better existence for themselves and their families, along with greater freedom and the hope of upward economic mobility. But there is no rulebook about learning how to fit into our complex American way of life.

That is a path that new arrivals from Venezuela and other lands often find themselves traveling alone.

However, there are ways to accelerate the transition, making it less traumatic, more meaningful, rewarding and smoother.

On the International Organization for Migration (IOM) website, a Venezuelan native who relocated to Panama outlined the steps he followed. His advice can be applied to those from Venezuela who journey to America.

Succeeding in a new country after leaving Venezuela

These suggestions from someone who has already gone through the process of putting down roots in a new land may be useful to people who are now doing the same thing.

  • Connect with lots of other people from various backgrounds, not just those from Venezuela
  • Get plenty of information about the country you are moving to
  • Draw up a year-long strategy with goals you want to accomplish
  • Obtain a work permit and a place to live

What to do when seeking information

You might want to know more about, for example, Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Seek out a reliable authority or expert who can give you additional information.


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