As your finances spiral out of control, it’s critical that you take a step back and consider all your options for getting back on track. It’s not something you want to do, but filing for bankruptcy could be the best way to gain your financial footing and position...
Year: 2020
What should I tell my bankruptcy attorney?
You rely on your legal counsel to help you make important choices during the bankruptcy process. However, the advice your attorney gives you often depends on the particulars of your case. Because of this, it can be important to tell your lawyer as much as possible so...
Judge orders release of migrant children held in detention
A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to release migrant children from three detention centers, citing the coronavirus’s severity. U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee says the children must be released by July 17 after lawyers representing migrant families...
How to determine when bankruptcy is the best option
Most people feel a moral obligation to pay their debts and refuse to consider bankruptcy as an option even when their credit is severely damaged. However, in many cases, the reason people get into financial trouble is beyond their control, such as incurring massive...
Living and working in the U.S.
The United States is the land of opportunity in the eyes of many immigrants. This remains true even as the current administration proposes and enacts laws aimed at curbing it. Every year, around one million people immigrate to the U.S. in hopes of a better job or a...
Could a Chapter 13 bankruptcy benefit you?
If you’ve considered bankruptcy to seek relief from high debts, you may feel unsure about how to file. You don’t want to have to sell all your assets to pay off creditors. You may worry that a court will make you give up all your possessions. However, different types...