For a loan modification, you will need to bring to your attorney all the documents that substantiate what your current income and expenses are so that your case can be evaluated and a proposed new payment be assessed by your lender. DOCUMENTS NEEDED FOR LOAN...
Year: 2015
Selling a House in NJ
The process of selling a house in NJ can be stressful and frustrating. If it has been a while since you bought your house you may have forgotten all the things that need to be taken care of in a relatively short period. Regardless of how long it has been you will need...
Buying a House in NJ
The process of buying a house in NJ can be very daunting; especially for a first time buyer. Once you have found a house that you want to buy and have agreed upon the price things can move very quickly with some very important and critical deadlines that must not be...
New Jersey Municipal Court
The most common types of New Jersey Municipal Court cases are driving violations. Driving violations range from the simple parking tickets to the more serious DUI/DWI case, which can have devastating effects on your finances, life and family. You should not attempt to...
In this segment I would like to focus on how one can go about buying a foreclosed house. There are several stages at which this can happen; pre-foreclosure, foreclosure and post-foreclosure (also referred to as “REO”). These different stages offer differing...
In this segment, I will discuss the mortgage foreclosure process as a follow-up to an earlier overview concerning your available options when facing a foreclosure. I am focusing on the process in New Jersey, but most of these procedures are the same in New York. The...
If you are experiencing difficulty making your mortgage payments, a loan modification might be the answer. Years ago, if you were behind in your mortgage the only question was whether or not you could bring it current. If not, you were facing a foreclosure. Since...
Bankruptcy and Credit
I have not met anyone who ever considered filing bankruptcy that had not gotten to that point without first trying to think of any possible option other than filing. That is for several reasons, but one of the main reasons most often stated is that they are worried...